Wednesday 22 February 2012


entry pd kali ini 
:: my birthday ::

sebelum tu ada 1 permintaan
nyayi sikit untuk sy boleh?
one , two , three , four

happy birthday to m**** 2x
happy birthday2x
happy.... birthday to me..... 

x da gambar nak upload!!!

:: x da sp yg igt akan birthday sy
termasuk la my BF
sedih sngt...

:: x da sorg pn yg bg blikan sy kek pd thun ni
wlaupn sepotong

:: g secret recipe 
nyala lilin sebatang
dan nyanyi lagu birthday utk dri sndri
kesian kan??

:: sejak ak kenal insan yg bergelar ****
ak x prh rse gembira ble birthday ak menjelang
sbb dy x prh wt sesuatu utk ak

klo ak nak elak
ak elak
ataw buat2 lupe birthday ak
bole x?

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